Beyond being responsible for our staff we are also engaged in other tasks. As a family run company we manage to create and maintain a work environment in which our employees work with enthusiasm and passion for the successful realisation of our customers’ goals and objectives. Our employees are provided with opportunities and prospects so they can unleash their potential freely and are encouraged to play an active role in decision making processes.

By setting a good example towards attitude and behaviour we kindle self-initiative in each individual. Our commitment to lasting sustainability in society is especially important for us as an owner-run family company. Not only do we create jobs opportunities we also support non profit institutions. The social aspect of the company itself doesn't get neglected either.


Leadership principles. We have personalities not employees. Management means carrying responsibility for people to achieve joint goals together. Leadership is effective when people realise they accomplish more by working together. Each and every person in our company can do their bit for the overall outcome.

Proactive Thinking. We expect and encourage our staff think and act along the lines of the company. This alone enables all colleagues to exploit their full personal potential.

Principle of Transparency. We promote trust and confidence, strengthening each member of our staff, feeling of belonging to and being a vital part of the whole team. We practice and are committed to an open and transparent communication policy.


Children are our future and should be able to develop freely regardless of their place of origin or religion. For this reason we support aid organisation Kinderhilfsorganisation Plan International e.V. which stands up for children's rights and is active in developing countries such as Africa and Asia.

We have been participating in the lives of our adopted god children in Kenya for over 10 years now. We get an insight into the children's daily life and tell us stories from the respective countries. Families and communities also benefit from our support. Not only do the children thrive from our support but also the families and the local community.

Thanks to financial funding and impressive local health care assistance there have been numerous educational, livelihood and health care opportunities made possible.

Portrait des Geschäftsinhabers mit Zitat zu sozialer Verantwortung
Zwei Kinder blicken Richtung Kamera